Virgo Monthly Horoscope June 2024 (2024)

Virgo Monthly Horoscope

{Monthly Horoscopes 2024}

A horoscope guide to the month ahead for Virgo Sun and Virgo Ascendant.

June 2024 Horoscope: Predictions for Virgo

Virgo Monthly Horoscope June 2024 (1)
Virgo Monthly Horoscope June 2024 (2)

Back to Monthly Horoscopes – All Signs or Virgo Monthly Horoscope Main

We’ve divided our monthly horoscopes into 3 groups (or decanates) per sign for more accuracy. Remember that if you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your birth time, but don’t know your Ascendant, be sure to see How to Obtain Your Astrology Chart here or the Cafe Astrology Ascendant Calculator.

On This Page:

Horoscopes for:

Virgos born August 23 to September 2
Virgos born September 3 to 12
Virgos born September 13 to 23

Overview for this Month: Virgo (All)

Virgo Monthly Horoscope June 2024 (3)June 2024 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Virgo:

You're more noticeable, responsible, or accountable as you begin June, dear Virgo, and fortunately, you are coming across in an incredibly charming light. New directions in your career or boosts to your reputation are in store for you.

The first half of June presents you with a wonderful opportunity to maintain a healthy balance between your career and personal life. It's a time to give extra attention to your long-term goals, rules, responsibilities, and performance, while also leaving room for recreation, enjoyment of friends, and even a spot of adventure. As the month progresses, you'll find yourself increasingly interested in fulfilling happiness goals, reassuring you of your ability to manage both aspects of your life.

Transits stir your need for more dynamism and creative expression in your work and possibly your private life as well. You are glowing professionally, and others tend to follow your lead or flock to you for advice.

You can be highly productive in all the right ways, and working harder towards your goals is rewarding. The details and the 'little things' make all the difference. Perfecting your particular craft is natural now. Interestingly, if you're not looking for recognition for what you do and instead focus on the rewards of work, you're likely to be appreciated more. Increased communication in your personal life, at home, or with family can also figure strongly. Consider setting aside specific time for family discussions or personal reflection to make the most of astrological energies now.

You're hungry to learn new things, and it's a fine time to focus on a goal close to your heart. You'll find yourself looking forward and might choose a particular interest and run with it, pouring much of your energy into learning or furthering your understanding of a matter. It's also a time to see solutions to problems related to career or life path goals. There is outstanding energy with you for constructive conversations. Seeing a new layer of a situation can give you a business advantage or insight into your goals.

You're rarely short of ideas related to business and long-range, life-path objectives from the 3rd to the 17th. It's an excellent time for optimism and hope or supportive news that excites you about your future.

The New Moon on the 6th prompts a new beginning or approach to your professional plans, long-term goals, or life path pursuits. There is a solid showing of planets at the top of your solar chart, suggesting a significant new beginning or emphasis on any (or many) of these themes. It's a time to make changes and tweaks to your work and goals to make them more realizable and fulfilling in the long run. This emphasis occurs in the sign of Gemini, after all — a sign that encourages curiosity and variety — and to reap its rewards, you benefit from watching, listening, and connecting.

You're strategic until the 9th, from which time you are direct and straight to the point.

Mercury and Venus move into your social sector on the 17th, and the Sun follows suit on the 20th, painting a different picture for the second half of June. You're focusing on enjoyment, friends, teamwork, and networking. You're more inclined to entertain long-term happiness goals.

The Full Moon on the 21st can illuminate matters revolving around a romantic affair, creative project, or children. It can also raise the temperature of a romance. This is a time for pivotal discoveries of your feelings for someone or particular projects in your life.

With Saturn turning retrograde on the 29th and remaining so until November, it's a time for you to reflect on the work you must do to stabilize critical areas of your life, especially your relationships, work, and health. Some backtracking or slowing down is possible, and simplifying rather than taking on additional responsibilities makes the most sense now. This period may require you to revise your outlook or approach, but rest assured, this cycle will eventually reveal the right path for you, encouraging you to embrace personal growth.

Otherwise, the last week of the month is a time for exploring new ideas, dreams, and plans. Sharing your expertise with associates can be rewarding. You can be pleasantly busy. Further thinking or exploring a matter can be fruitful. Discussing a personal problem with objectivity is rewarding. In fact, verbalizing a matter can frame it differently, giving you a new perspective. Opportunities to meet someone special through groups, acquaintances, or networking arise. Someone can inspire you to do your best and reach a little higher. Transits can motivate you to tap into the courage to do something entirely different and enjoy a new and refreshing experience.

More 2024 Monthly Horoscopes:

See also This Month in Astrology.

Virgo (Born August 23 to September 2) AND Virgo Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees Virgo:

June 2024 Virgo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends

June 2024

The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness

Until June 20th:

The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar tenth house. Satisfaction and fulfillment during this cycle come from doing your professional best, shining as a responsible and capable person, and contributing to the world in practical ways. You might have a chance to receive acknowledgement or praise for your work or good character now. Landing support from authority figures is easier at this time. Avoid the pitfalls of pride or arrogance standing in your way of success.

From June 20th forward:

The Sun lights your solar eleventh house. The Sun illuminates your sector of friends, groups, and dreams coming true this month. It's a sociable sector of your chart, and that's exactly how you are feeling--happy, light-hearted, cosmopolitan, and social. Group affiliations capture your attention. Connections can be made now and networking pays off, or at least satisfies. Being part of a community or circle of friends and building your social network is important to you at this time.

This is a rather happy, goal-oriented cycle. A lively agenda is promised, you're attracting quite a bit of interest, and your energy for making contact with others is high. A stronger sense of community is with you during this cycle. Relationships take on a fun, if impersonal, tone now. Activities with children (especially others' children) may increase. You are more stimulated by all that is unconventional during this cycle, and your ideas are original and progressive now. This is a time to follow your dreams and ideals, and to plant a seed in the form of a wish for the future.

Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort, Pleasure

Until June 16th:

Venus continues to transit your solar tenth house. Relationships with authority figures, superiors, and with the public are in focus during this cycle. It's a strong period for diplomatic relations, although a negative expression of this position could be bending over backwards to please rather than positive, friendly relations. It's a time when being a team player reaps the most rewards, and you may be mixing business with pleasure now. This may be a time when you are especially enjoying your career or position and making the most of it.

From June 17th forward:

Venus graces your solar eleventh house now. Forming harmonious, warm social friendships, possibly related to group activities within a club, can figure now. You may meet someone through such group activities; consequently, your interests will be shared. Whether or not you do, the bottom line is that sharing interests with someone is what makes you happy during this cycle. Venus here enlivens your friendships and group associations with charm and grace. You are more peace-loving than usual and slightly detached on a personal level. If a romance were to begin during this time frame, it would be characterized by a strong feeling of camaraderie, but it could also be rather impersonal and perhaps lacking in depth and intimacy.

Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation

Until June 2nd:

Mercury continues to transit your solar ninth house. During this cycle, you are especially fond of exchanging ideas with others, particularly your personal philosophies. You are inclined to take a broader look at things now, rather than concentrate on the details. You are communicating with more persuasiveness, enthusiasm, and optimism at this time.

Until June 3rd to 17th:

Mercury transits your solar tenth house. You are likely thinking a lot about your career and business matters, or your career requires more communication than usual during this cycle. You speak with authority during this period, and you are more accountable than usual for what (and how) you communicate. Your ideas may come into public view now.

Use the power of words to influence authority figures. This is an excellent period for developing career and professional plans or strategies. You may be turned to for advice or for your opinion on important matters. Although approachable and ready to communicate, you are less inclined to chat about frivolous matters now.

You tend to think about your position or standing on a professional level more frequently during this cycle. You are likely doing some multi-tasking regarding career and business matters. Negative use of this influence would be to worry unnecessarily about your reputation and responsibilities.

From June 17th forward:

Mercury is transiting your solar eleventh house. Your mind is bright, alert, and active during this cycle, and you have the ability to come up with unusual and inventive ideas. Sharing your thoughts with others is a prime interest. Others tend to particularly enjoy your conversations during this transit--you are willing to listen as well as add your own thoughts.

As well, your ability to grasp unusual subject matter and to intuitively understand what others are trying to say win you some brownie points! You could also do a lot of thinking and musing about your own happiness and long-term goals.

Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage

Until the 8th:

Mars continues to energize your solar eighth house. This is a less outwardly assertive or aggressive stage for you as you take the time to process recent events in your life and to develop strategies for going after what you want in the future. You are more observant than active during this cycle, and more strategic and deliberate when you do take action. There may be an increase in sexual appetite now. It's an excellent period for eliminating wasteful activities. Shared finances can come into focus, and you might feel an increased need to take charge of these matters. This could lead to disputes and disagreements if you are not careful or sensitive in your dealings with others.

From the 9th forward:

Mars animates and energizes your solar ninth house. During this period, you are especially enthusiastic and more bold than usual. Some restlessness and hunger for adventure is experienced now. Essentially, you are looking to expand your activities, and you may find that you have a lot of energy for higher studies, travel, or simply new subjects. Negative potentials include being excessively opinionated or getting easily fired up over differences in points of view, or legal fights.

Overview Horoscope:

Virgo Monthly Horoscope June 2024 (4)June 2024 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Virgo:

You're more noticeable, responsible, or accountable as you begin June, dear Virgo, and fortunately, you are coming across in an incredibly charming light. New directions in your career or boosts to your reputation are in store for you.

The first half of June presents you with a wonderful opportunity to maintain a healthy balance between your career and personal life. It's a time to give extra attention to your long-term goals, rules, responsibilities, and performance, while also leaving room for recreation, enjoyment of friends, and even a spot of adventure. As the month progresses, you'll find yourself increasingly interested in fulfilling happiness goals, reassuring you of your ability to manage both aspects of your life.

Transits stir your need for more dynamism and creative expression in your work and possibly your private life as well. You are glowing professionally, and others tend to follow your lead or flock to you for advice.

You can be highly productive in all the right ways, and working harder towards your goals is rewarding. The details and the 'little things' make all the difference. Perfecting your particular craft is natural now. Interestingly, if you're not looking for recognition for what you do and instead focus on the rewards of work, you're likely to be appreciated more. Increased communication in your personal life, at home, or with family can also figure strongly. Consider setting aside specific time for family discussions or personal reflection to make the most of astrological energies now.

You're hungry to learn new things, and it's a fine time to focus on a goal close to your heart. You'll find yourself looking forward and might choose a particular interest and run with it, pouring much of your energy into learning or furthering your understanding of a matter. It's also a time to see solutions to problems related to career or life path goals. There is outstanding energy with you for constructive conversations. Seeing a new layer of a situation can give you a business advantage or insight into your goals.

You're rarely short of ideas related to business and long-range, life-path objectives from the 3rd to the 17th. It's an excellent time for optimism and hope or supportive news that excites you about your future.

The New Moon on the 6th prompts a new beginning or approach to your professional plans, long-term goals, or life path pursuits. There is a solid showing of planets at the top of your solar chart, suggesting a significant new beginning or emphasis on any (or many) of these themes. It's a time to make changes and tweaks to your work and goals to make them more realizable and fulfilling in the long run. This emphasis occurs in the sign of Gemini, after all — a sign that encourages curiosity and variety — and to reap its rewards, you benefit from watching, listening, and connecting.

You're strategic until the 9th, from which time you are direct and straight to the point.

Mercury and Venus move into your social sector on the 17th, and the Sun follows suit on the 20th, painting a different picture for the second half of June. You're focusing on enjoyment, friends, teamwork, and networking. You're more inclined to entertain long-term happiness goals.

The Full Moon on the 21st can illuminate matters revolving around a romantic affair, creative project, or children. It can also raise the temperature of a romance. This is a time for pivotal discoveries of your feelings for someone or particular projects in your life.

With Saturn turning retrograde on the 29th and remaining so until November, it's a time for you to reflect on the work you must do to stabilize critical areas of your life, especially your relationships, work, and health. Some backtracking or slowing down is possible, and simplifying rather than taking on additional responsibilities makes the most sense now. This period may require you to revise your outlook or approach, but rest assured, this cycle will eventually reveal the right path for you, encouraging you to embrace personal growth.

Otherwise, the last week of the month is a time for exploring new ideas, dreams, and plans. Sharing your expertise with associates can be rewarding. You can be pleasantly busy. Further thinking or exploring a matter can be fruitful. Discussing a personal problem with objectivity is rewarding. In fact, verbalizing a matter can frame it differently, giving you a new perspective. Opportunities to meet someone special through groups, acquaintances, or networking arise. Someone can inspire you to do your best and reach a little higher. Transits can motivate you to tap into the courage to do something entirely different and enjoy a new and refreshing experience.

See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead.

Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.

Know More About Yourself and Others

Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
birth chart reports, relationship reports, future forecasts, and more.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope June 2024 (6)Love & Romance Forecast Report

Love outlook for the year ahead. Try our .

Romantic Compatibility Reports

Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
romantic compatibility reports, including the Synastry and Love Ties reports.

See also general trends for Virgo in 2024 and the full 2024 Yearly Virgo Horoscope.

Virgo (Born September 3 to 12) AND Virgo Ascendant from 10 to 20 degrees Virgo:

June 2024 Virgo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends

June 2024

Virgo Monthly Horoscope June 2024 (8)The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness

All month:

The Sun illuminates your career and reputation sector. More than any other time of the year, your focus is drawn to your "place" or standing in the outer world, and your reputation. This is the time when you are more interested in, and focused on, accomplishing something important. Your competency is something that you are especially sensitive to during this cycle.

You want to shine! Your vision is practical right now, and you want to see tangible results for your efforts. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period. Recognition is likely to come your way whether you ask for it or not, and the responsibility that comes right along with it! Do what you feel is right, keeping in mind that you are at your most visible during this period in the year.

Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort, Pleasure

Until June 25th:

Venus graces your solar tenth house now. During this cycle, you are most charming and well-received on the job. Your responsibility and authority are likeable qualities now, making this a favorable period overall for schmoozing with those in a higher position than you, as well as for negotiations or social activities related to business. Venus is charming, friendly, and affectionate, and her presence in your career and reputation sector brings social opportunities to your career. You are coming across well at work now, and romantic opportunities, or simply more chances to socialize and network, are likely. You are socially ambitious right now, and success may come through your good managerial qualities or some form of artistic talent, or, indirectly through your marriage partner. People who turn your head during this cycle are those who come across as especially competent.

From June 25th forward:

Venus graces your solar eleventh house now. Forming harmonious, warm social friendships, possibly related to group activities within a club, can figure now. You may meet someone through such group activities; consequently, your interests will be shared. Whether or not you do, the bottom line is that sharing interests with someone is what makes you happy during this cycle. Venus here enlivens your friendships and group associations with charm and grace. You are more peace-loving than usual and slightly detached on a personal level. If a romance were to begin during this time frame, it would be characterized by a strong feeling of camaraderie, but it could also be rather impersonal and perhaps lacking in depth and intimacy.

Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation

Until June 7th:

Mercury continues to transit your solar ninth house. During this cycle, you are especially fond of exchanging ideas with others, particularly your personal philosophies. You are inclined to take a broader look at things now, rather than concentrate on the details. You are communicating with more persuasiveness, enthusiasm, and optimism at this time.

From June 8th to 22nd:

Mercury transits your solar tenth house. You are likely thinking a lot about your career and business matters, or your career requires more communication than usual during this cycle. You speak with authority during this period, and you are more accountable than usual for what (and how) you communicate. Your ideas may come into public view now.

Use the power of words to influence authority figures. This is an excellent period for developing career and professional plans or strategies. You may be turned to for advice or for your opinion on important matters. Although approachable and ready to communicate, you are less inclined to chat about frivolous matters now.

You tend to think about your position or standing on a professional level more frequently during this cycle. You are likely doing some multi-tasking regarding career and business matters. Negative use of this influence would be to worry unnecessarily about your reputation and responsibilities.

From June 22nd forward:

Mercury is transiting your solar eleventh house. Your mind is bright, alert, and active during this cycle, and you have the ability to come up with unusual and inventive ideas. Sharing your thoughts with others is a prime interest. Others tend to particularly enjoy your conversations during this transit--you are willing to listen as well as add your own thoughts.

As well, your ability to grasp unusual subject matter and to intuitively understand what others are trying to say win you some brownie points! You could also do a lot of thinking and musing about your own happiness and long-term goals.

Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage

Until June 22nd:

Mars continues to energize your solar eighth house. This is a less outwardly assertive or aggressive stage for you as you take the time to process recent events in your life and to develop strategies for going after what you want in the future. You are more observant than active during this cycle, and more strategic and deliberate when you do take action. There may be an increase in sexual appetite now. It's an excellent period for eliminating wasteful activities. Shared finances can come into focus, and you might feel an increased need to take charge of these matters. This could lead to disputes and disagreements if you are not careful or sensitive in your dealings with others.

From the 23rd forward:

Mars animates and energizes your solar ninth house. During this period, you are especially enthusiastic and more bold than usual. Some restlessness and hunger for adventure is experienced now. Essentially, you are looking to expand your activities, and you may find that you have a lot of energy for higher studies, travel, or simply new subjects. Negative potentials include being excessively opinionated or getting easily fired up over differences in points of view, or legal fights.

Overview Horoscope:

Virgo Monthly Horoscope June 2024 (9)June 2024 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Virgo:

You're more noticeable, responsible, or accountable as you begin June, dear Virgo, and fortunately, you are coming across in an incredibly charming light. New directions in your career or boosts to your reputation are in store for you.

The first half of June presents you with a wonderful opportunity to maintain a healthy balance between your career and personal life. It's a time to give extra attention to your long-term goals, rules, responsibilities, and performance, while also leaving room for recreation, enjoyment of friends, and even a spot of adventure. As the month progresses, you'll find yourself increasingly interested in fulfilling happiness goals, reassuring you of your ability to manage both aspects of your life.

Transits stir your need for more dynamism and creative expression in your work and possibly your private life as well. You are glowing professionally, and others tend to follow your lead or flock to you for advice.

You can be highly productive in all the right ways, and working harder towards your goals is rewarding. The details and the 'little things' make all the difference. Perfecting your particular craft is natural now. Interestingly, if you're not looking for recognition for what you do and instead focus on the rewards of work, you're likely to be appreciated more. Increased communication in your personal life, at home, or with family can also figure strongly. Consider setting aside specific time for family discussions or personal reflection to make the most of astrological energies now.

You're hungry to learn new things, and it's a fine time to focus on a goal close to your heart. You'll find yourself looking forward and might choose a particular interest and run with it, pouring much of your energy into learning or furthering your understanding of a matter. It's also a time to see solutions to problems related to career or life path goals. There is outstanding energy with you for constructive conversations. Seeing a new layer of a situation can give you a business advantage or insight into your goals.

You're rarely short of ideas related to business and long-range, life-path objectives from the 3rd to the 17th. It's an excellent time for optimism and hope or supportive news that excites you about your future.

The New Moon on the 6th prompts a new beginning or approach to your professional plans, long-term goals, or life path pursuits. There is a solid showing of planets at the top of your solar chart, suggesting a significant new beginning or emphasis on any (or many) of these themes. It's a time to make changes and tweaks to your work and goals to make them more realizable and fulfilling in the long run. This emphasis occurs in the sign of Gemini, after all — a sign that encourages curiosity and variety — and to reap its rewards, you benefit from watching, listening, and connecting.

You're strategic until the 9th, from which time you are direct and straight to the point.

Mercury and Venus move into your social sector on the 17th, and the Sun follows suit on the 20th, painting a different picture for the second half of June. You're focusing on enjoyment, friends, teamwork, and networking. You're more inclined to entertain long-term happiness goals.

The Full Moon on the 21st can illuminate matters revolving around a romantic affair, creative project, or children. It can also raise the temperature of a romance. This is a time for pivotal discoveries of your feelings for someone or particular projects in your life.

With Saturn turning retrograde on the 29th and remaining so until November, it's a time for you to reflect on the work you must do to stabilize critical areas of your life, especially your relationships, work, and health. Some backtracking or slowing down is possible, and simplifying rather than taking on additional responsibilities makes the most sense now. This period may require you to revise your outlook or approach, but rest assured, this cycle will eventually reveal the right path for you, encouraging you to embrace personal growth.

Otherwise, the last week of the month is a time for exploring new ideas, dreams, and plans. Sharing your expertise with associates can be rewarding. You can be pleasantly busy. Further thinking or exploring a matter can be fruitful. Discussing a personal problem with objectivity is rewarding. In fact, verbalizing a matter can frame it differently, giving you a new perspective. Opportunities to meet someone special through groups, acquaintances, or networking arise. Someone can inspire you to do your best and reach a little higher. Transits can motivate you to tap into the courage to do something entirely different and enjoy a new and refreshing experience.

See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead.

Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.

Know More About Yourself and Others

Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
birth chart reports, relationship reports, future forecasts, and more.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope June 2024 (11)Love & Romance Forecast Report

Love outlook for the year ahead. Try our .

Romantic Compatibility Reports

Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
romantic compatibility reports, including the Synastry and Love Ties reports.

See also general trends for Virgo in 2024and the full 2024 Yearly Virgo Horoscope.

Virgo (Born September 13 to 23) AND Virgo Ascendant from 20 to 30 degrees Virgo:

June 2024 Virgo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends

June 2024

The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness

Until June 10th:

The Sun continues to shine its light on your solar ninth house now. This is a cycle in which you seek to expand your experiences and awareness, whether through philosophical thinking, higher education, travel, or simply activities that take you away from your everyday routines. You may feel a little restless if you don't find ways to explore.

It's an excellent period for looking at your life from a different perspective--a broader one--whether you initiate this process or you make contact with others who stimulate you to think about your circ*mstances differently. Your energy is strong, open, and friendly right now, you come across well to others, and you are a little bolder and adventurous than usual.

From June 10th forward:

The Sun illuminates your career and reputation sector. More than any other time of the year, your focus is drawn to your "place" or standing in the outer world, and your reputation. This is the time when you are more interested in, and focused on, accomplishing something important. Your competency is something that you are especially sensitive to during this cycle.

You want to shine! Your vision is practical right now, and you want to see tangible results for your efforts. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period. Recognition is likely to come your way whether you ask for it or not, and the responsibility that comes right along with it! Do what you feel is right, keeping in mind that you are at your most visible during this period in the year.

Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort, Pleasure

Until June 8th:

Venus continues to grace your solar ninth house. During this cycle, your ideals in love are set high. You might become inspired by a loved one now, or someone might awaken a new perspective or way of thinking in you. You could also enjoy a trip, or a new adventure of sorts. In fact, you are attracted to anything that is non-routine and fare best when you are reaching out beyond your usual bounds. You might be attracted to people or even objects that are exotic or different in some way during this cycle. It's a good period for personal charm and attractiveness in general.

From June 9th forward:

Venus graces your solar tenth house now. During this cycle, you are most charming and well-received on the job. Your responsibility and authority are likeable qualities now, making this a favorable period overall for schmoozing with those in a higher position than you, as well as for negotiations or social activities related to business. Venus is charming, friendly, and affectionate, and her presence in your career and reputation sector brings social opportunities to your career. You are coming across well at work now, and romantic opportunities, or simply more chances to socialize and network, are likely. You are socially ambitious right now, and success may come through your good managerial qualities or some form of artistic talent, or, indirectly through your marriage partner. People who turn your head during this cycle are those who come across as especially competent.

Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation

Until June 12th:

Mercury continues to transit your solar ninth house. During this cycle, you are especially fond of exchanging ideas with others, particularly your personal philosophies. You are inclined to take a broader look at things now, rather than concentrate on the details. You are communicating with more persuasiveness, enthusiasm, and optimism at this time.

From June 12th to 26th:

Mercury transits your solar tenth house. You are likely thinking a lot about your career and business matters, or your career requires more communication than usual during this cycle. You speak with authority during this period, and you are more accountable than usual for what (and how) you communicate. Your ideas may come into public view now.

Use the power of words to influence authority figures. This is an excellent period for developing career and professional plans or strategies. You may be turned to for advice or for your opinion on important matters. Although approachable and ready to communicate, you are less inclined to chat about frivolous matters now.

You tend to think about your position or standing on a professional level more frequently during this cycle. You are likely doing some multi-tasking regarding career and business matters. Negative use of this influence would be to worry unnecessarily about your reputation and responsibilities.

From June 27th forward:

Mercury is transiting your solar eleventh house. Your mind is bright, alert, and active during this cycle, and you have the ability to come up with unusual and inventive ideas. Sharing your thoughts with others is a prime interest. Others tend to particularly enjoy your conversations during this transit--you are willing to listen as well as add your own thoughts.

As well, your ability to grasp unusual subject matter and to intuitively understand what others are trying to say win you some brownie points! You could also do a lot of thinking and musing about your own happiness and long-term goals.

Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage

All of June:

Mars continues to energize your solar eighth house. This is a less outwardly assertive or aggressive stage for you as you take the time to process recent events in your life and to develop strategies for going after what you want in the future. You are more observant than active during this cycle, and more strategic and deliberate when you do take action. There may be an increase in sexual appetite now. It's an excellent period for eliminating wasteful activities. Shared finances can come into focus, and you might feel an increased need to take charge of these matters. This could lead to disputes and disagreements if you are not careful or sensitive in your dealings with others.

Overview Horoscope:

Virgo Monthly Horoscope June 2024 (13)June 2024 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Virgo:

You're more noticeable, responsible, or accountable as you begin June, dear Virgo, and fortunately, you are coming across in an incredibly charming light. New directions in your career or boosts to your reputation are in store for you.

The first half of June presents you with a wonderful opportunity to maintain a healthy balance between your career and personal life. It's a time to give extra attention to your long-term goals, rules, responsibilities, and performance, while also leaving room for recreation, enjoyment of friends, and even a spot of adventure. As the month progresses, you'll find yourself increasingly interested in fulfilling happiness goals, reassuring you of your ability to manage both aspects of your life.

Transits stir your need for more dynamism and creative expression in your work and possibly your private life as well. You are glowing professionally, and others tend to follow your lead or flock to you for advice.

You can be highly productive in all the right ways, and working harder towards your goals is rewarding. The details and the 'little things' make all the difference. Perfecting your particular craft is natural now. Interestingly, if you're not looking for recognition for what you do and instead focus on the rewards of work, you're likely to be appreciated more. Increased communication in your personal life, at home, or with family can also figure strongly. Consider setting aside specific time for family discussions or personal reflection to make the most of astrological energies now.

You're hungry to learn new things, and it's a fine time to focus on a goal close to your heart. You'll find yourself looking forward and might choose a particular interest and run with it, pouring much of your energy into learning or furthering your understanding of a matter. It's also a time to see solutions to problems related to career or life path goals. There is outstanding energy with you for constructive conversations. Seeing a new layer of a situation can give you a business advantage or insight into your goals.

You're rarely short of ideas related to business and long-range, life-path objectives from the 3rd to the 17th. It's an excellent time for optimism and hope or supportive news that excites you about your future.

The New Moon on the 6th prompts a new beginning or approach to your professional plans, long-term goals, or life path pursuits. There is a solid showing of planets at the top of your solar chart, suggesting a significant new beginning or emphasis on any (or many) of these themes. It's a time to make changes and tweaks to your work and goals to make them more realizable and fulfilling in the long run. This emphasis occurs in the sign of Gemini, after all — a sign that encourages curiosity and variety — and to reap its rewards, you benefit from watching, listening, and connecting.

You're strategic until the 9th, from which time you are direct and straight to the point.

Mercury and Venus move into your social sector on the 17th, and the Sun follows suit on the 20th, painting a different picture for the second half of June. You're focusing on enjoyment, friends, teamwork, and networking. You're more inclined to entertain long-term happiness goals.

The Full Moon on the 21st can illuminate matters revolving around a romantic affair, creative project, or children. It can also raise the temperature of a romance. This is a time for pivotal discoveries of your feelings for someone or particular projects in your life.

With Saturn turning retrograde on the 29th and remaining so until November, it's a time for you to reflect on the work you must do to stabilize critical areas of your life, especially your relationships, work, and health. Some backtracking or slowing down is possible, and simplifying rather than taking on additional responsibilities makes the most sense now. This period may require you to revise your outlook or approach, but rest assured, this cycle will eventually reveal the right path for you, encouraging you to embrace personal growth.

Otherwise, the last week of the month is a time for exploring new ideas, dreams, and plans. Sharing your expertise with associates can be rewarding. You can be pleasantly busy. Further thinking or exploring a matter can be fruitful. Discussing a personal problem with objectivity is rewarding. In fact, verbalizing a matter can frame it differently, giving you a new perspective. Opportunities to meet someone special through groups, acquaintances, or networking arise. Someone can inspire you to do your best and reach a little higher. Transits can motivate you to tap into the courage to do something entirely different and enjoy a new and refreshing experience.

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See also general trends for Virgo in 2024and the full 2024 Yearly Virgo Horoscope.

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About Our Monthly Horoscopes:

Virgo Monthly Horoscope June 2024 (18)Our detailed monthly horoscopes are designed to reveal and interpret the current transits of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in your solar chart.

Because these energies or transits do not unfold neatly into any given calendar month (many transits carry forward from one month to the next), you will find some of the energies continue from the previous month.

For example, the Sun might transit the second house of your solar chart from June 21 to July 22, so that you will find a similar interpretation for this transit in both June and July’s horoscope. This is normal and expected. While new months can hold new energy, transits don’t abruptly change because the calendar month changes.

These monthly horoscopes also include an overview paragraph, as well as other energies specific to the month, such as retrogrades, eclipses, or major outer planet transits.

The Highlights section reveals lunar cycle dates. Lunar cycles repeat themselves approximately every 28 days, so it is normal to see the same lunar peaks, such as “Your Personal New Moon” and “Monthly career peak” repeat themselves from month to month, but with different dates. They serve as a helpful guide to cycle peaks in different areas of life, such as financial, career, romance, and partnership.

The horoscopes are divided into three groups or decanates, and the differences between the groups are subtle in parts and large in other parts. For those who prefer a whole sign approach to horoscopes (classic), simply read the first decanate regardless of your birthdate.

About Astrology:

What is Astrology? Learn all about the signs of the zodiac. We offer interpretations of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Ascendant in the signs:

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Choose Another Sign – More 2024 Monthly Horoscopes:

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See Also:

  • Articles: Learn Astrology

  • Love Sign Compatibility

  • Recommended Astrology Books

Virgo Monthly Horoscope June 2024 (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.