OSU’s Integrated Pest Management legacy lives on in new team - Oklahoma State University (2024)

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Media Contact: Alisa Boswell-Gore | Office of Communications & Marketing, OSU Agriculture | 405-744-7115 | alisa.gore@okstate.edu

Sorghum producers discovered a new pest in their crops on the Gulf Coast of Texas in the summer of 2013. Less than a year later, the sorghum aphid (known at the time as the sugarcane aphid) decimated Oklahoma sorghum, causing more than a 40% reduction in grain yields and thousands of dollars in economic losses for farmers.

Having no familiarity with the sorghum aphid, most producers didn’t realize how quickly the pests would multiply or what that multiplication would cost them. By the time many Oklahoma growers realized they had a problem, sugarcane aphid populations had reached numbers nearly impossible to control. All sorghum fields suffered that year. Some were lost altogether.

Enter the Oklahoma State University Integrated Pest Management Team.

The IPM OKLAHOMA! legacy

From 2016 to 2021, the IPM OKLAHOMA! team addressed the aphid problem by screening for effective insecticides and host plant resistance while also developing economic thresholds and a rapid scouting tool. These research efforts have saved Oklahoma growers $6.2 to $14.4 million annually in lost grain yield.

The applied in-field insecticide screening research resulted in the registration of three new insecticide active ingredients for controlling sugarcane aphids. Other research in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture identified several hybrids and numerous germplasm lines resistant to sorghum aphids.

Researchers also learned that the adoption of resistant hybrids in combination with insecticides reduced yield losses. In-field research on aphid distribution led to the development of the Glance-N-Go sampling smartphone app, which to this day, reduces sampling time and saves growers from unnecessary insecticide applications.

Through it all, Tom Royer was the highly respected captain of the IPM OKLAHOMA! ship. He joined OSU Extension in 1997, starting as the IPM program coordinator in 2006.

“Dr. Royer opened up the IPM program to researchers in other areas, and it broadened the impact of the IPM program and brought it up to the level it’s at now,” said Justin Talley, head of the OSU Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology. “His impact on IPM programming and how he leveraged IPM funds allowed other scientists to garner over $10 million in IPM funding. That means $4.17 from every $1 invested in the IPM program came back to the program.”

Royer’s approach involved working with OSU Extension specialists in the OSU College of Education and Human Sciences to develop several programs related to IPM for homes and schools.

“Royer has had a big impact on the state, and not just in a single area,” Talley said. “He was never focused on one general commodity. Through his efforts in the IPM program, he broadened the scope and impacted cattle, wheat, sorghum and many other industries.”

Talley previously served as the OSU livestock entomologist in the IPM program, recently receiving a lifetime achievement award from the Livestock Insect Workers Conference.

Royer and Kris Giles, an OSU Regents professor in entomology and plant pathology, developed multiple tools to support the wheat, sorghum and canola industries, including the Glance-N-Go system and app.

Giles worked with Royer over several decades to integrate his research on what makes pests and beneficial insects successful into pest management practices by incorporating biological control and other approaches, such as host plant resistance and justifiable use of pesticides.

“The successes we’ve had as a team, which included USDA-Agricultural Research Service scientist Norman Elliott, happened because we were able to plan and conduct research over multiple growing seasons to ensure reliable deliverables for growers,” Giles said.

Another unique development during Royer’s tenure was the musk thistle weevil program. After the IPM team discovered that weevils naturally controlled a problematic weed found in pastures, Royer recruited Extension educators to start “weevil roundups” in which they collected the weevils and released them into fields infested with the musk thistle.

“It was one of the most successful endeavors in the IPM program. They reduced herbicide applications by almost 3.2 million kilograms of active ingredients, so it was also a benefit to our environment,” Talley said.

Royer retired from OSU in February 2023 after 26 years of service, leaving some big shoes to fill.

The bright future of IPM OKLAHOMA!

Ashleigh Faris, the new OSU IPM program coordinator, has wasted no time continuing Royer’s legacy in her first year on the job. She has attended field days and tours and conducted a survey to determine Oklahoma wheat producers’ biggest needs with IPM.

“Dr. Faris has a great background for not only carrying on what Dr. Royer was doing but for expanding it by looking at the science and the producer,” Talley said. “She’s thinking about what pests we need to control and how to control them, but she is also thinking about how producers perceive IPM and how they perceive particular problems.”

Faris said she has dedicated her first year at OSU to meeting producers, industry leaders and Extension professionals statewide and learning what IPM issues they face. She previously worked for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension in College Station, Texas.

“Coming from Texas, my background in agricultural production, pests and beneficial insects has come from a lot of the Texas coastal bend area, which entails very different cropping systems and agronomic practices, so I am having to do some homework,” Faris said. “The best way for me to learn is to get out and meet and learn from individuals about how agronomic practices happen in Oklahoma.”

Several research trials the IPM team will pursue in the next year include testing crops to see how they fare without certain insecticides that the Environmental Protection Agency might cancel for agronomic uses.

“There is something special about working with people who have so much invested in terms of their own time, money, and oftentimes, familial history with working in cropping systems.”

Members of the IPM OKLAHOMA! Team include:

  • Ashleigh Faris, assistant professor and Extension cropping systems entomologist and IPM coordinator
    • Developing needs assessments to determine the IPM needs of Oklahoma through a National Institute of Food & Agriculture Extension Implementation Program Grant. She will also be looking at how well a specific industry product works for controlling stinkbugs in soybeans.
  • Kris Giles, Regents professor in entomology and plant pathology
    • Population dynamics, biological control and economic damage of aphids and other pests in winter wheat, canola and sorghum as well as product evaluation of insecticides.
  • Jenny Dudak, assistant professor in plant and soil sciences
    • Oklahoma producers are starting to plant a recently commercialized third-generation Bt cotton called ThryvOn Cotton, but there is a lack of understanding of which pests it protects. Dudak will be conducting a variety trial to see how this variety and others grow in different regions of Oklahoma. Her program conducts multiple variety trials across the state.
  • Mustafa Ojonuba Jibrin, assistant professor and horticulture pathologist
    • Studies economically important diseases on a wide range of horticultural crops, including pecans, grapes, ornamentals, nurseries, vegetables and others. Recent research has advanced the understanding of disease systems in pecans, grapevines, Chrysanthemums and tomatoes in Oklahoma. Multiple studies are developing integrated disease management strategies important toOklahoma horticulture growers.
  • Liberty Galvin, assistant professor and Extension weed science and precision weed management specialist
    • Integrated weed management. Her current work includes weed seed collections to determine herbicide resistance across Oklahoma, timing of application studies and herbicide efficacy field trials in wheat cropping systems.
  • Swati Shrestha, assistant professor in plant and soil sciences
    • Identification and management of herbicide-resistant weeds, determining the mechanism of herbicide resistance in weeds, understanding the fitness cost associated with climate change and herbicide resistance in weeds, and sustainable cropping systems.
  • Jonathan Cammack, assistant professor and state Extension specialist, livestock entomology and parasitology
    • Management of livestock pests, sustainable agriculture, waste management and insects as alternative protein sources for livestock feed and decomposition ecology
  • Maxwell Smith, cotton IPM research and Extension specialist
    • Conducts weed management trials in cotton and peanuts to identify effective weed management strategies. Evaluating Thryvon cotton technology for activity on the cotton fleahopper.
  • Maira Rodrigues Duff*ck, row crop plant pathologist
    • Monitors the distribution and impact of major row crop diseases across Oklahoma, including peanuts, corn, soybeans, cotton and sorghum; conducts fungicide trials to assess the efficacy and profitability of different products for managing plant diseases; monitors new or reemerging pathogens of row crops in Oklahoma and neighboring states and develops appropriate responses to their emergence.
  • Meriem Aoun, small grains pathologist
    • Genetics of disease resistance in wheat. She evaluates OSU winter wheat breeding lines with multiple fungal and viral diseases to help the development of disease-resistant varieties, and she provides disease management recommendations for wheat producers.

“The IPM program is unique, and if you understand why IPM is important and invest in it, it’s going to take you far,” Talley said. “I look forward to working with our new faculty. They have great ideas and approaches for what’s going on today. Oklahoma State University will keep being able to say that we’ve been a major contributor to this field.”

OSU’s Integrated Pest Management legacy lives on in new team - Oklahoma State University (2024)


What is integrated pest management based on? ›

IPM is an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests or their damage through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, and use of resistant varieties.

What is the primary outcome of integrated pest management? ›

prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage; minimize the risk to people, property, infrastructure, natural resources, and the environment; and. reduce the evolution of pest resistance to pesticides and other pest management practices.

Is integrated pest management good or bad? ›

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices. IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment.

Which integrated pest management uses a variety of techniques to reduce pest populations while reducing economic damage caused by pests ›

IPM uses a variety of pest management techniques that focus on pest prevention, pest reduction, and the elimination of conditions that lead to pest infestations. IPM simply means (1) don't attract pests, (2) keep them out, and (3) get rid of them, if you are sure you have them, with the safest, most effective methods.

What are the 4 principles of IPM? ›

Level 1 integration: Individual pest species or species complexes. Level 2 integration: Community of pest species (insects, pathogens, weeds) Level 3 integration: Ecosystem (crop and non-crop host plants and other components) Level 4 integration: Farming community (including social and economic components)

What is the ultimate goal of Integrated Pest Management? ›

The goal of IPM is to reduce the adverse impacts of pest control on human health, the environment and non-target organisms, while managing pests effectively. The concept of Integrated Pest Management is not new and has been used on field crops and orchards throughout the world.

What are the four goals of integrated pest management? ›

Identify pests and monitor progress. Set action threshholds. Prevent. Control.

What are the key element in integrated pest management? ›

Biological control of insect pests and diseases through biological means is most important component of IPM.

What is the first step in integrated pest management? ›

Step 1: Identify the Pest

This often-overlooked step is important. Most species of living things are NOT pests, but are contributing members of the broader ecosystem. By taking the time to ensure that a suspected pest is an actual pest, you can eliminate a lot of unnecessary pest control efforts.

What are two disadvantages of integrated pest management? ›

Disadvantages of integrated pest management

The biggest disadvantages of IPM over traditional pest control methods involve education and time. Before you can choose IPM over traditional spraying, pest managers need to learn the IPM methods involved and the best way to implement them.

Is integrated pest management expensive? ›

The most expensive pest control option is typically IPM or Integrated Pest Management. IPM is a science-based, sustainable approach to pest management that uses a combination of pest biology, environmental data, and technology to manage pests in a way that is safer than more traditional methods.

Why is integrated pest management not more widely used? ›

Part of the problem is definition: there is no global consensus on what constitutes farm-level adoption of IPM and how to measure it. Without such a consensus, what is considered IPM adoption, such as use of a resistant variety, in one study might not be considered as such in another.

What are the three methods of integrated pest management? ›

It uses long-term prevention of pests or their damage through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, change of cultural practices, and uses resistant plant varieties.

What does integrated pest management discourages the excessive use of? ›

The aim of IPM is to reduce the use of the synthetic organic pesticide. It discourages the use of chemical pesticides.

What is one approach that is used in integrated pest management? ›

Integrated pest management regulates pests by using a variety of control measures, including mechanical, cultural, biological, and chemical. Management rather than eradication of pests is the goal. An IPM plan begins with a careful evaluation of each pest infestation.

What are the three basic rules of an integrated pest management program? ›

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a farmer-driven approach to pest control that focuses on reducing reliance on chemical pesticides. The three basic rules of an IPM program are: manage pests, use non-chemical measures, and minimize pesticide effects.

What is the key to an effective IPM program? ›

There are four crucial components to an IPM program: cultural, physical/mechanical, biological and chemical (Figure 2). The cultural and physical/mechanical steps form the foundation of any comprehensive fly control program.

What is the principle of integrated disease management? ›

Integrated disease management is the practice of using a range of measures to prevent and manage diseases in crops. Hazard analysis is used to identify the potential for infection so that preventative or curative measures can be put in place to minimise the risk of disease infection and spread.


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