Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)



Hello everyone, welcome to Part 1 of our Walkthrough for Flume’s Clues Adventure of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. This adventure is available for students of Year 3 and above, and it should become available after reaching Chapter 2 of Year 3.

Once you unlock the adventure, you have 3 days and 19 hours to complete it. Shortly after starting the adventure, you will learn that Professor Dumbledore has an announcement to make, so proceed to the Great Hall to hear it.


Part 1 Summary:

  • Task 1: Go to the Great Hall
    • Location: The Great Hall
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 1/5 stars
    • Choice 1: Tell Merula if you think Mr. Flume was giving everyone a clue
      • Yes: +5 Knowledge
      • No: +5 Empathy
    • Choice 2: Tell Merula where you will go
      • To the library: +5 Empathy
      • I’m not telling: +5 Courage
  • Task 2: Go to the Library
    • Location: Library
    • Requirements: 1 hour – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Give Merula one good reason why she should share the book with you
      • This is a friendly competition: +5 Courage
      • We can team up (Your Empathy level – 1): +10 Empathy
  • Task 3: Search the Potions Classroom
    • Location: Potions Classroom
    • Requirements:
      • Year 3 – Year 6 Chapter 23: 1 hour – 5/5 stars
      • Year 6 Chapter 24+: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Penny how your search is going
      • I’m on the right track: +5 Courage
      • Merula has the upper hand: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 4: Meet Penny
    • Location: Herbology Classroom
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Penny how to uproot the Mandrake
      • Quickly: +5 Courage
      • Carefully: +5 Knowledge
  • Part 1 Rewards: 1 Chocolate Frog

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Video guides are available at our YouTube channel. Use the button below.

[Disclaimer: This walkthrough will feature the gameplay from the perspective of a Year 7 student. Since the adventure is available for students of Year 3 and above, the star and attribute requirements for certain tasks might be different for you, depending on your current progress of the main story.]

Upon arriving, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you are curious to see what they have to say.

You will arrive just in time for the Headmaster’s announcement. He will start by saying that students can often get overwhelmed by the rigors of serious education. Because of that, they can easily forget life’s simple pleasures.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (1)

And that precisely is the reason why he decided to prepare a special treat for all the students. You and many others will be excited to find out what this special treat is. However, Merula won’t seem to care about it too much.

The man standing next to the Headmaster will introduce himself as Ambrosius Flume, the owner of Honeydukes Sweetshop.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (2)

He’ll say that he’s planned a treat-filled trek for the students. Merula won’t seem interested in hearing what he has to say.

Mr. Flume will say that he arranged a very sweet scavenger hunt. He’ll explain that several rare Chocolate Frog cards have been hidden around the school grounds, and any student who finds one of these will be invited to an exclusive feast of endless confectionaries!

You will be excited about this Chocolate Frog scavenger hunt. Even Merula will look forward to it.

Mr. Flume will name some of the sweets that will be at the feast.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (3)

He’ll also say that he’ll only provide clues to those who truly need them.

His next sentence will sound rather odd.

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Both you and Merula will wonder about the meaning of his words.

The Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts will ask if you think that Mr. Flume was giving everyone a clue.Her assumption will be correct, which is why it’s recommended to go with the first option.

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You will suggest eavesdropping on the other students to get more information.

Eavesdropping on the students requires earning five stars within three hours. One star is needed to pass.

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There is a bonus progress action tied to Professor Dumbledore. Prioritize it if you want to save some energy.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (7)

As it seems, other students were pretty sure that Mr. Flume was giving a clue. The following lines will differ, depending on your previous choice.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (8)

Also, many students were confident that the clue is related to Cliodna, a famous medieval witch. Merula will say that she had some connection to sea birds.

Interestingly enough, Cliodna has her own Chocolate Frog card. Unfortunately, you won’t know where the card is located. However, you might be able to figure it out by learning more about Cliodna.

Merula will be curious to know where you’re planning to go. There are two options to reply with.If you like Merula, it is recommended to pick the first option and tell her you are going to the library.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (9)

Merula will be quite sure she knows where to find information that could lead her to the Chocolate Frog card. She will be fairly confident that she is going tobe the one to find it first.

Shortly after, she will leave the Great Hall. You’ll quickly decide to head to the library, so go there when you are ready to continue.

Once you arrive, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you want to see what they have to say.

You will be surprised to find Merula in the library. The following few lines will differ, depending on your previous choice.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (10)

You’ll learn that Merula has the book about Cliodna, and it is the only copy in the library. You will suggest sharing the book.

Merula won’t seem interested in doing that. She will ask you to give her one good reason why she should share the book with you. There are two options to reply with.If you like Merula, it is recommended to pick the second option.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (11)

In the end, she will agree to share the book with you. If you suggested teaming up, she will agree to it.

Shortly after, you will start looking for information. Researching Cliodna requires earning five stars within one hour. Since all five stars are needed to pass, avoid starting this task if you are low on energy.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (12)

There is an action with bonus progress tied to Merula. Focus on it if you want to save a bit of energy.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (13)

You will find three important facts about Cliodna.

She was incredibly skilled at potion-making. She could even brew the Animagus potion. Her Animagus form was a sea bird.

On top of that, she could transfigure herself into a wave. Needless to say, brewing the Animagus potion is not an easy task.

If you’ve completed Become an Animagus adventure, you will get a few additional lines of dialogue.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (14)

You will assume that the clue has something to do with potions. Merula will be fairly sure that the clue is related to transfiguration.

According to her, the Chocolate Frog card is most likely in the Transfiguration classroom. You’ll wonder if she is right about that.

Merula will be pretty sure that her assumption is correct. She will decide to go to the Transfiguration classroom, and she’ll tell you not to follow her.

The following lines will differ, depending on your previous choice.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (15)
Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (16)

You’ll try warning her that she might be heading in the wrong direction, but sadly, she won’t seem to care.

Moments later, she will leave the library. After giving it some thought, you will decide to visit Penny in the Potions classroom.

Proceed there when you are ready to continue. Penny will happily greet you once you arrive. You’ll thank her for agreeing to meet you.

Penny will be excited to help you find a Chocolate Frog card. Apparently, she was busy working on a potion assignment, which is why she didn’t join the hunt.

She’ll then ask you how the search is going. There are two options to reply with. This choice will affect some of the dialogue lines, but it won’t significantly impact the story, so feel free to pick either option.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (17)

Penny will tell you some things about Cliodna. According to her, you are definitely on a right track. These lines will differ slightly, depending on your previous choice.

If you’ve completed Become an Animagus adventure, you will get an extra line of dialogue.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (18)

You’ll ask Penny if she thinks that the Cliodna card could be in the classroom. She won’t know for sure, but she will be determined to help you find it.

She’ll recall the ingredients used in the Animagus potion.

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Shortly after, the two of you will start looking for the Chocolate Frog card.

Searching the classroom requires earning five stars within one hour (three hours for students that are past Year 6 Chapter 24). All five stars are needed to pass, so avoid starting this task if you are out of energy.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (20)

There are bonus progress actions tied to Penny and the ingredients next to her. Focus on those if you want to save some energy.

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After searching through the ingredients used in the Animagus potion, Penny won’t find anything out of the ordinary.

However, you will notice one unusual detail.

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You’ll wonder if it was another clue.

Penny will suggest following the new clue wherever it leads. Her line will differ slightly, depending on your previous choice.

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You’ll be slightly surprised to hear that. Penny will apologize and say she was caught up in the thrill of the hunt.

She’ll say that the two of you would make a great team. You will tell her that Merula betrayed you earlier.

Penny will be shocked to hear that. She’ll admit that she doesn’t even know how to betray someone.

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You’ll nod and say that she’s been very helpful. She’ll tell you she knows where to find more Mandrake leaves.

The only problem is that those leaves are still attached to a live Mandrake.

If you’ve completed the Mandrake lesson, you’ll get an extra line of dialogue. In any case, you will agree to team up with Penny.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (25)

She’ll be glad to hear that. Moments later, the two of you will leave the Potions classroom. Head to the Herbology classroom when you are ready.

Penny will seem more than ready to find the Chocolate Frog card. After taking a look around, she will spot a Mandrake on a nearby table.

After examining it, you will find the Chocolate Frog card. However, you will need to uproot the Mandrake in order to get it.

You’ll be able to choose whether you want to uproot the Mandrake quickly or carefully. Since Mandrakes’ screams can be fatal, one should always be careful around them, which is whyit is recommended to pick the second option.

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Penny will tell you that the two of you need to find something to protect yourselves from Mandrake’s screams.

The following lines will differ, depending on whether or not you completed the Mandrake lesson.

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (27)

Penny will suggest asking Professor Sprout for some earmuffs. You approach the Professor and tell her about the object inside Mandrake’s soil and kindly ask her to borrow some earmuffs.

She will tell you that uprooting a Mandrake is a dangerous task. However, she will agree to borrow you some earmuffs, if you can convince her you are doing it for a worthy cause.

Convincing Professor Sprout requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

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There is a bonus progress action tied to your character. Prioritize it if you want to save a bit of energy.

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After making some good points, you will manage to convince Professor Sprout to borrow you some earmuffs. You’ll thank her for that.

Shortly after, Penny and you will prepare to uproot the Mandrake. The plan will be pretty straightforward – Penny will remove the Mandrake and you will remove the card.

Luckily enough, everything will go according to plan.

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Penny will say that the two of you make a brilliant team. Unfortunately, there are two of you, but only one Chocolate Frog card.

And since both you and Penny deserve to go to the endless confection feast, choosing one won’t be easy.

However, there might be a way to solve this problem.

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You’ll suggest presenting your Chocolate Frog card to Mr. Flume as soon as possible. According to Penny, you should be able to find him in the courtyard.

This will mark the end of Part 1 of Flume’s Clues adventure. Hit the Collect button to claim your reward. You will earn one Chocolate Frog.

Will Ambrosius Flume give you any hint that could help you find another Chocolate Frog card? And will Penny and you be able to figure it out and locate the card? Find out in the next part of this adventure!

Thank you for reading.

Next part

Flume's Clues Part 1 | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.